Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 4, 2015

ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH 6 HKII ( Lớp 6A1,2,3)


1. The simple present tense (Thì hiện tại đơn)
a. Form (Hình thức)              
a.1. Ordinary Verbs (động từ thường)
S + Vs (es)                                                   Ex: I often get up at 6.
S + do /does + not + V bare infinitive       Ex: I don’t get up at 6.
   Do/Does + S +Vbare infinitive?                Ex: Do you get up at 6?
* Chú ý:
- Với các chủ ngữ là       : I, You, We, They thì ta dùng trợ động từ   “DO”
- Còn các chủ ngữ là      : He, She, It thì ta dùng trợ động từ “DOES”
- Khi chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số ít (He, She, It) ta thêm “S’ vào sau động từ.       
Ex : He often gets up at 6.
     Nhưng khi các động từ có tận cùng là: S, SS, SH, CH, O, X thì ta thêm “ES” thay vì thêm “S”
Ex : She washes her face.
a.2. To be ( động từ TOBE )          
S + IS / AM / ARE +…….               Ex: She is a teacher.
S + Is / Am /Are + not +…               Ex: She is not (isn’t) a teacher.
IS /AM /ARE + S +..?                      Ex: Is she a teacher?
b. Use (cách dùng):  Thì HTĐ được dùng để diễn tả:
- Một chân lí.                                                        Ex: The earth moves around the Sun.
- Một hành động được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần.     Ex: I often get up at 6.
- Nghê nghiệp                                                       Ex: She is a teacher.
- Đặc điểm tính chất của sự vật hiện tượng           Ex: She is beautiful.
- 1 hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
Ex: When I am here tomorrow, I will tell you about that.
* Chú ý :
- Trong câu thường có các trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian như : Always  (luôn luôn) ; Sometimes    ( thỉnh thoảng) ; Often (thường) ; Usually ( thường thường) ; Seldom (hiếm khi ) ; Never ( không bao giờ)…
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the simple present tense
1. I often (get)……………………………up at 6.                   
2. My father usually (do)…………………………….exercises.
3. He never (read)………………………books.            
4. She sometimes (go)……………………………………to school late.
5. They always (go)……………. home late.                 
6. My mother seldom (play)……………………………
7. I (be)……………………….a boy.                            
8. She (be, not)……………………………..lazy.
9. When she (come)……….here tomorrow, I will meet her.
10. Rivers (flow)…………………………..into seas.              
2. The present continuous tense (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
a. Form (Hình thức)    
          S + is/am/are + V-ing                                 Ex: I am learning English.
          S + is/am/are + not + V-ing                        Ex: I am not learning English.
          IS/AM/ARE + S + V-ing?                         Ex: Are you learning English?
b. Use ( cách dùng ) Thì HTTD được dùng để diễn tả:
- Một hành động đang diễn ra ngay lúc nói         
Ex : She is playing the piano now.   
(Bây giờ cô ấy đang chơi đàn piano)
- Một hành động mang tính tạm thời
Ex : I often get up at 6. But today I am getting up at 7.
 (Tôi thường thức dậy lúc 6 giờ. Nhưng hôm nay tôi thức dậy lúc 7 giờ)
- Một hành động trong tương lai gần         
Ex : She is visiting her parents tomorrow.
(Cô ấy dự định thăm ba mẹ mình vào ngày mai)
* Chú ý : 
- Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như : Now (bây giờ) ; At present (bây giờ); At the moment (bây giờ) ; Right now (bây giờ)…….
- Một số động từ chỉ tri giác, tình cảm...không được chia thì tiếp diễn như : KNOW, SMELL, LOVE…
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the present continuous tense
1. Nam (read)…………………………a book now.                
2. The children (play)…………………………football at present
3………………….you (learn)…………………English now?          
4. My friends (watch)……………………………T.V at the moment.
5. He (sleep, not)…………………………..  now.                            
6. She (speak)……………………………English right now.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)…………………….…….in the park now.            
8. They (chat)……………………………….at the moment.
9. I (do)…………………………… homework at the moment. 
10. She (listen)………………………………… music now.
3. Near future Tense ( Thì tương lai gần / Tương lai dự định )
a. Form ( Hình thức )                      
S + is / am / are + going to + V(nguyên mẫu không “To”)
          S + is / am / are + not + going to + V(nguyên mẫu không “To”)
          Is / Am / Are + S + going to + V(nguyên mẫu không “To”) ?
Ex : I am going to visit my parents next week.
( Tôi dự định thăm ba mẹ tôi vào tuần tới )
Ex : I am not going to visit my parents next week.
(Tôi không dự định thăm ba mẹ tôi vào tuần tới)
Ex : Are you going to visit your parents next week.
(Bạn dự định thăm ba mẹ mình vào tuần tới có phải không? )
b. Use ( Cách dùng )  Thì TL dự định được dùng để diễn tả:
- 1 dự định, 1 kế hoạch trong tương lai gần, trong câu buộc phải có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian nói về tương lai.
Ex : He is going to have a cup of coffee with his friends next Sunday.
( Anh ấy dự định đi uống cafe với bạn vào chủ nhật tới )
Supply the verbs in the brackets with near future tense
1. Nam (read)……………………………a book tonight.
2. The children (play)……………………..……………football tomorrow.
3……..……you (learn)………………….………English next week?
4. My friends (not, watch)…………………………………………T.V tonight.
5. He (sleep, not)…………………………………..……tonight.      
6. She (speak)……………………………………..………English with them next week.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)…………………………………….in the park tomorrow.        
8. They (chat)………………………………………………….with each other tonight.
9. I (do)……………………………………… homework tonight.       
10. She (listen)…………………………………………… music next week

4. Comparative (So sánh hơn )

a. Short adjectives

- Là những tính từ chỉ có 1 âm tiết. Ví dụ: nice, clean, new, cheap

Ex: I am taller than he.

=> S1 + To be + adj+ ER + THAN+ S2

b. Long adjectives

- Là những tính từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên . Ví dụ: beautiful, handsome, expensive…

Ex: I am more handsome than he.

=> S1 + To be + MORE + adj + THAN + S2

5. Superlative (So sánh nhất)

a. Short adjectives

Ex: I am the tallest..

=> S1 + To be +the +  adj+ EST

b. Long adjectives

Ex: I am the most  handsome.

=> S1 + To be + the MOST + adj.

* Notes (Các chú ý)

- Những tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có kết thúc –y


Tuy nhiên đối với tính từ “ shy” thì ngoại lệ


- Những tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có kết thúc –er


- Những tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có kết thúc –le



- Những tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có kết thúc –ow


- Những tính từ có  kết thúc –e


- Những tính từ có  tận cùng là phụ âm nhưng trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì gấp đôi phụ âm đó rồi áp dụng hình thức so sánh.


- Irregular adjectives ( Các tính từ bất quy tắt)


- Special adjectives ( các tính từ đặc biệt )

Một số tính từ có 2 hình thức so sánh :
commoner / more common
commonest / most common
likelier / more likely
likeliest / most likely
pleasanter / more pleasant
pleasantest / most pleasant
politer / more polite
politest / most polite
simpler / more simple
simplest / most simple
stupider / more stupid
stupidest / most stupid
subtler / more subtle
surer / more sure
surest / most sure

- Sự khác nhau về ý nghĩa của các tính từ:

Khoảng cách
Khoảng cách hay thời gian



Người và vật
Người ( trong gia đình)
Khoảng cách
Trật tự

I. Choose the correct answers.
1.Of the four dresses, I like the red one………………………..
a. good                       b. better                      c. best
2. Bill is the …………………………… person we know.
            a.happier                    b. happiest                 c. happy
3. Pat’s cat is ……………………………than Peter’s.
            a. faster                      b. fastest                    c. fast
4.This poster is  ………………………than the one in the hall.
            a. colourfuler                        b. more colourful     c. colourful
5. Does Fred feel ………………….today than he did yesterday?
            a. weller                     b. better                      c. well  
6. This vegetable soup tastes very……………………………
            a. good                                       c. better
7. Jane is the …………………. athletic of all the women.
            a. less                         b. least                        c. at least
8. My cat is the …………………………of the two.
            a. prettier                   b. prettiest                 c. pretty
9. This summary is …………………..of the pair.
            a.  the better              b. the best                  c. gooder
10. The colder the weather gets,……………………..I feel.
            a. sicker                     b. the sicker               c. sick
II. Supply the correct forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the brackets.
1. Mary is (pretty) …………………………in her family.
2. A new house is (expensive)………………………….. than an old one.
3. His joib is( important) …………………………than mine.
4. Of the four ties, I like the red one(well)………………………...
5. Nobody is (happy) …………………………………than Miss Snow.
6. Today English is the ( international) ………………………..of languages.
7. Jonh is much( strong) …………………………….than I thought.
8. Benches are ( comfortable) ……………………………than arm- chairs.
9. Bill is (good)………………………….. than you thought.
10. Mr Bush is the (delightful) ……………………………person I have ever known.
11. Dick is the ( careful)………………………….. of the three workers.
12. Is the book( interesting) ……………………………….than the one you read last week?
13. Gold is ( preciuos) ………………………….than iron.
14. The weather today is ( warm)………………………….. than the weather yesterday.
15. This film is not (good)………………………………. than the one we saw last week.
16. Holidays are( pleasant) ………………………….than working days.
17. Which is ( high) …………………………….mountain in your coutry?
18. A house is ( strong) ………………………..than a dog.
19. Robert is ( fat)………………………………. than his brother.
20. The Pacific is ( large)……………………………….. ocean in the world.
 “A”: Một
- Được dùng trước danh tđếm được, sít, bt đu bng mt phâm.
Ex: There is a pen.
“An” : Một
 - Được dùng trước danh tđếm được, sít, bt đu bng mt nguyên am (u,e,o,a, i ).
 Ex: There is an eraser.
“some”: một vài
  - Được dùng trước danh tđếm được, snhiu và danh tkhông đếm đựợc, trong câu khng đnh hoc câu mi vi " Would you like...?
Ex1: There are some apples.
Ex2: Would you like some apples?
- Được dùng trước danh tđếm được snhiu và danh tkhông đếm đưc, trong câu phđnh và nghi vn .
Ex1:  There aren’t any oranges.
Ex2:  Are there any oranges?
Điền A, AN hoặc SOME, ANY vào chỗ trống
1. Ther isn’t .........milk in the jar.
2. No , there aren’t ........... noodles.
3. I have
4. Do you have ......... meat ?
5. I’m hungry .I’d like ........... chicken and rice.
6. I .
7. I’d like ............. milk.
8. Lan wants ............ beans.
9. That is ............. onion.
10. Hoa has............ bike .
- Let's + Vbare infinitive : Chúng ta hãy…….
 Ex: Let's go swim
- Why don't we + Vbare infinitive ?  Tại sao chúng ta không…….?
Ex: Why don't we go there by bus.
- What / How about + V-ing ? Thế còn……..thì sao ?
Ex: What about going to Hue?

What          : gì, cái gì
Where        : đâu
When                   : khi nào
Who           : ai
Which        : nào, cái nào
Which language  : ngôn ngnào
Which grade        : khi my
Which class                   : lp my
Why           : ti sao
What time  : my gi
How           : như thế nào
- có khe không
- đi bng phương tin gì
How old     : bao nhiêu tui
How long   : Dài bao nhiêu; thi gian bao lâu
How tall     : cao bao nhiêu (dùng cho người)
How high   : cao bao nhiêu (dùng cho vt)
How thick  : dày bao nhiêu
How many : slượng bao nhiêu (danh tđếm được, snhiu)
How much : slượng bao nhiêu(danh tkhông đếm được)
- Bao nhiêu tin (hi vgiá c)
How often  : Có thường .....không?
I. Fill in the blanks with the suitable question words
1. .............. do you go swimming? - Twice a week.
2. .................students are there in your class? - Thirty - two
3. ...............rice do you want? - Two kilos.
4. ...............are you going to stay with your aunt? - For three weeks
5. ..............grams of meat does he want?
6. .............. milk do you need?
7. there to eat?
8. ................ does Ba do when it's cool?
9. you have a picnic?
10. ............... sports does Nam play?
11. they usually go on the weekend?
12, .......... language does he speak?- He speaks Vietnamese.

( giới từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm, vị trí)
- on                       : Ở trên
- in                        : Ở trong
- at                        : Tại…
- next to                : Kế bên
- near                    : Gần
- behind                : đằng sau
- in front of           : Đằng trước
- to the right of     : Bên phải….
- to the left of       : bên trái….
-             : Từ…..đến…..
- opposite             : Đối diện
- between...and     : Giữa…..và…..

Choose the correct preposition
1. She does her homework (on / in / at)……………….. the evening .
2. They go to school (on / in / at) …………………Monday .
3. Lan watches TV (on / in / at)……………….. night.
4. Her pencils are ( on / to / at)………………….. the table .
5. They live (on / in / at)…………….. a house ( on/ in / at )…………… the city .
6. (In /To/ At)………………… the left of the house, there is a garden .
7. My house is next (in / to / at) ……………..a restaurant .
8. He is doing Math (on / in /at) …………………his classroom.
9. The garden is in front ( in /of / on)…………………. the house.
10. What would you like ( at /in / for)……………….. breakfast?

I. Circle the odd one out.
1.                       A. morning                 B. afternoon                 C. sometimes               D. evening
2.                       A. post office             B. badminton               C. hospital                   D. bookstore
3.                       A. street                     B. river                        C. sea                           D. lake
II. Choose the best answers to these following sentences.
4.      Is Susan _________home?         
A. in                     B. at                     C. on                    D. under
5.      What color _________his new car?     
A. have                 B. is                     C. does                 D. are
6.      They always go to school _________bicycle.
A. with                 B. in                     C. on                    D. by
7.      I do my _________before going to class.
A. home work      B. homework       C. homeworks      D. housework
8.      Mr. Pike _________us English.
A. teach                B. teaches             C. teaching            D. to teach
9.      Tom and _________are going to the birthday party together.
A. I                       B. me                    C. my                             D. mine
10.     Are you free _________Saturday?
       A. on                      B. at                     C. in                     D. into
11.     Where is your mother?-She's _________the kitchen.
       A. in                       B. on                    C. into                  D. at
12.     Mary is doing her homework and _________brother is helping her.
       A. she                     B. hers                  C. her                             D. she's
13.     There are _________eggs on the table.
       A. some                   B. any                   C. many                D. much
14.     Her mother works in a hospital. She is a(n) _________.
       A. nurse                  B. engineer            C. teacher             D. farmer
15.     It’s noisier in the city _________ in the country.
       A. to                       B. with                  C. than                  D. from
16.     What do you do _________your free time?
       A. at                       B. on                    C. to                     D. in
17.     My mother often travels to HCM City _________bus.
       A. on                      B. by                    C. with                  D. in
18.     The Mekong River is _________than The Red River.
       A. longer                 B. shorter             C. taller                 D. higher
19.     There is _________oil in the bottle.
       A. a lot                             B. many                C. a little               D. a few
20.     Their favorite _________is table tennis.
       A. subject                B. song                 C. book                 D. sport
21.     Can you _________the noise of motorbike from the street?
       A. watch                  B. know                C. see                    D. hear
22.     What about _________to music?
       A. listening              B. listen                C. to listen           D. all are correct
23.     Nam _________breakfast at six o’clock every morning.
       A. usually eats        B. usually has      C. has usually      D. A & B
24.     There is a small well in front _________her house.
       A. of                       B. from                 C. to                    D. on
25.     She _________her hair every day.
       A. is washing                    B. washes             C. wash                D. washing
III.Read the following passage and then do the tasks that follow.
South Vietnam enjoys a tropical climate, so there are two seasons all year round. They are known as the dry season and the rainy season. It’s very hot in the dry season, but it’s cool in the rainy season. In the dry season, we often go camping and swimming. In the rainy season we don’t often go out. We sometimes go fishing in the morning because it often rains in the afternoon.
A. Tick True or False.
There are four seasons in the south of Vietnam.

It’s very cold in the dry season.

They often go camping and swimming.

in the rainy season, it often rains in the afternoon.

B. Answer the following sentences.
30.     How many seasons are there in VietNam? @………………………………………………………………………………………………
31.     What do they do in the rainy season?
@    ……………………………………………………………………………………………
32.     Is it cool in the dry season? @………………………………………………………………………………………………
33.     Why do they go fishing in the morning?
@    …………………………………………………………………………………………...
IV.Give a suitable preposition to each sentence.
34.     Mai never goes to school _________car.                      
35.     37. Nam doesn’t have milk _________lunch.
36.     Minh sometimes stays up late to watch cartoons _________TV.      
37.     I usually go school _________the afternoon.
38.     There are many cars _________ the street.

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently
1.     A. books     B. cats           C. dogs          D. maps
2.     A. calls       B. airplanes   C. accidents   D. newspapers
3.     A. watches B. brushes     C. teaches      D. lives 
4.     A. buys       B. advise       C. forks         D. precise
II. Choose the best answers to these following sentences.
1. I brush _____ at 6.30 every morning.
     A. my tooth                     B. my teeth   C. his teeth           D. her teeth
2. He goes to school _____ half past six.
     A. from                            B. on             C. at                     D. in
3. There _____ beautiful flowers in front of my house.
     A. isn't                             B. have         C. are                             D. is
4. There is a factory _____ my house
     A. to the right                                      B. in front               C. opposite           D. next
5. My father travels to work _____ foot.  
     A. with                             B. on             C. by                              D. to
6. Nga and I _____ play soccer.
     A. do not                          B. is not        C. does not                     D. are not
7. My brother _____ television every evening.
     A. watches                       B. to watch             C. watch               D. watchs
8. _____ students are there in your school? - 1035.   
     A. Which                          B. How         C. How many       D. How old
1. Do you have………………..candy?
          A. Some                      B. The           C. Any                 D. A
2. Do you have any fruit ?   No, I………………………..
          A. Don’t                      B. Doesn’t    C. Do                   D. Does
3. I’m ……………………..Viet Nam.
          A. With                       B. From        C. To                    D. On
4. Lee is from China. He………………Chinese.
          A. Speaking         B. Speaks             C. Speak              D. To speak
5. Let’s ………………….a game.
          A. Play                 B. Playing            C. Played              D. To play
6. What does Lan want to do?  She wants ………………..camping.
          A. Go                   B. To go               C. Goes                D. Going
7. He……………………….his bike every day.
          A. Ride                 B. Riding              C. Rides               D. To ride
8. When it’s warm , he……………
          A. Go                   B. Goes                C. Going               D. To go
9. What do you do ………………………..the spring?
          A. On                   B. In                     C. At                    D. For
10. They are going to……………………….Ha Long Bay.
          A. Go                   B. Swim               C. Sail                  D. Visit
11. Her lips are………..and……..
          A. Long /black      B. Tall /white     C. Full/ .red                      D. thin / yellow
12. She wants a…………………………….of chocolates.
          A. Can                  B. Tube                C. Box                  D. Bottle
13. Are there any ………………………?
          A. Milk                 B. Rice                 C. Noodles           D. Water
14. He goes  home…………………………4.30.
          A. on                    B. in                     C. at                     D. of
15. He goes to work on………………………
          A. bike                 B. motorbike        C. car                   D. foot
16. I’m going to stay……………………………..two days
          A. on                    B. for                    C. in                     D. at
17. What do you do ………………………the spring
          A. on                    B. in                     C. at                     D. for
III. Answer the questions
1. What do you do in your free time? ………………………………………………………………………….….
2. What is your favorite drink? ……………………………………………………………………………..
3. How often are you late for school? …………………………………………………………………………….
4. What do you do when it’s hot? …………………………………………………………………………….
IV. Supply the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets
1.     I (write) …………to my parents now, I (write) ……………to them every weekend.
2.     Usually, I (read) ……………2 newspapers, but not the same one every day. On Sundays, I (buy) ……………four or five.
3.     I can't (swim) ………………., so I shouldn’t (run) ……………..too far from the shore.
4.     I haven't got a car at the moment, so I (go) ………to work on the bus this week. Usually I (drive) …………… work.
5.     She is very interested in (read) …………..books.
6.     …………You (go) …………… the party tonight?
7.     Let’s (go) ………………to the zoo.
8.     How about (go) …………………….on foot?
9.     He (want) …………….(be) ……………….a doctor.
10.                        Why ……………we (not, go)……………………. to the cinema?
IV. Rearrange the words into the correct sentence
Example:    my /is/drink/orange juice/ favourite.
à My favorite drink is orange juice.
1.     does/listen/how/she/music/to/often?
2.     go/ I/ fishing/on/ often/Sunday. à…………………………………………………………………..…...
3.     biggest/in/the/Mexico city/ world/the/city/is à……………………………………………………………………….
4.     would / like / breakfast/ what / for /you ? à……………………………………………………………………..…
5.     some / would /bread /like/ I/ milk/ some/ and à………………………………………………………………………..
6.     weather/ in/ what/ the/ summer/ is/ like/ the?/ à…………………………………………………………………………...
7.     going/ the/ she/ to/ is/ citadel/ visit/ à………………………………………………………………………….…
8.     skiing/they/go/family/with/the/in/usually/the/winter
9.     I’d/ am /so/ like/ noodles /I/hungry /some. à………………………………………………………………………….…
10.                        language/you/often/French?/Which/do/speak, /English/ or à…………………………………………………………………………….
11.                        is/ what/ the/ like/ weather/ in/ Miss Mai / spring à………………………………………………………………………….…
V. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar to the first.
1.     The Mekong River is longer than the Red River   
The Red River.....................................................................................
2.     The school is in front of the museum.
The museum ........................................................................................................
3.     Let's go to our party.
Why …………………………………………………………………………...?
4.      This mountain has the height of 1000m.
This mountain is ………………………………………………………………..
I. Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently from the others
1. A. call               B. fall                             C. shall                          D. wall
2. A. clown                    B. down               C. own                           D. town
3. A. above           B. glove                C. love                           D. move
4. A. cow              B. show                C. know                         D. throw
5. A. clear             B. dear                 C. hear                           D. pear
6. A. thank           B. that                  C. this                            D. those
7. A. cost              B. most                C. post                           D. roast     
8. A. arm              B. charm              C. farm                          D. warm
9. A. come            B. home                C. some                          D. none
10. A. cow            B. now                 C. how                           D. show
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D:
1.     “….are you going to stay here ?”. “For two weeks”.
A. How long         B. How far           C. How often        D. How much
2.     I’m going to visit my uncle…..Saturday morning.
A. in                     B. on                    C. at                     D. about
3.     What about…..a cup of coffee?
A. have                 B. having              C. you have                   D. do you
4.     Let’s …the movie.
A. go                    B. go to                C. going                D. is going
5.     What do you do ….your free time?
A. at                     B. in                     C. on                    D. to
6.     ……..does she go jogging? Once a week.
A. How often       B. How long                  C. How about       D. How
7.     He …….to the movie.
A. goes often        B. often goes        C. go often           D. is often
8.     What’s the weather ….in the summer? It’s hot.
A. likes                 B. like                   C. to like              D. is like
9.     Why don’t we ……the Huong pagoda?
A. visit                 B. to visit             C. visits                D. to visiting
10.                        ………are you going to stay?
A. How long         B. How                 C. How often        D. How old

11. Would you like….. some tea?
A. to drink            B. drink              C. drinks              D. drinking
12. Mary likes…… in the summer.
A. swim                   B. to swim                  C. swimming        D. swims
13. The Browns….working in garden now.
A. is                     B. are                             C. do                              D. does
14. How many floors…….. your house have?
A. do                    B. does                 C. is                      D. are
15 She doesn’t want…….rice.
A. any                   B. some                C. a                      D. an
16. They always help their mother…….their housework.
A. at                     B. the                             C. with                 D. about
17. How many seasons……….in a year?
A. there are          B. are there           C. there is             D. is there
18. What does he often do………….his free time?
A. in                     B. on                     C. to                     D. with
19. ……… you go to school every day?- By bike
.         A. How                B. what                 C. with                 D. where
20. We often have eggs…..breakfast.  
A. for                             B. in                     C. with                 D. on
21. Daisy……English on Tuesday.
A. don’t have       B. doesn’t have    C. not have           D. have
22. what are you going……tonight?
A. to                     B. to do                C. do                    D. doing
23. We live….150 Ba Trieu Street.
A. in                     B. at                     C. on                    D. near
24. We are listening……. our teacher.
A. to                     B. on                    C. in                     D. at
25. My favorite drinks……….milk and coffee.
A. is            B. are                             C. do                    D. does
26. What’s there……lunch?
A. in                     B. on                    C. for                    D. with
27. How………kilos of meat do you want?
A. many               B. much                C. is                      D. are
28. My father likes ................................newspaper very much .
A. to read           B. reading             C. read                 D. reads
29. I don’t  know how ..................this exercise.
          A. doing              B. to do                           C. do                    D. to doing
30. John............................jogging every Sunday.
A. makes            B. does                   C. goes                       D. plays
III.Make questions from the words underlined:
1. we speak Japanese
2. My friends come from China
3. She is  a doctor .
4. My brother works in Paris France
5. Tom and his sister often walks to school
6. We aren't going to go camping because we don't have a tent .
7. My mother needs some apples .
8. My sister feels thirsty .
IV. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar to the first.
1/ Does your school have over nine hundred students?
2/ Huong walks to school every morning .
Huong goes.................................................................................................
3/ There are many flowers in our garden .
Our garden..................................................................................................
4/ The museum is to the left of my house.
        My house …………………………………………………………………
5/ Nam is taller than Hung.
        Hung …………………….……………………….………………………
6/ I have a sister, Hoa.
        Hoa is  …………………….……………………….…………………….
7/ He goes to school at six forty-five.
He goes to school at a ………………………………………………………….

   I. odd one out
1. a. soccer             b. volleyball                  c. tennis               d. play
2. a. read                b. movie                       c. watch               d. listen
3. a. tent                b. kite                            c. swim                d. stove
4. a. always                    b. often                          c. early                 d. usually
5. a. one                 b. twice                         c. three                 d. four
6. a. big                  b. small                        c. old                    d. well
7. a. flower                     b. lake                            c. tree                             d. garden
8. a. town               b. city                          c. country             d. house
9. a. travel              b. bike                         c. bus                    d. car
10.a. get                  b. leave              c. school               d. start
II. Choose the word or phrases that best competes each sentence
1. “……………....?” they are flowers
A. what are those           B. what are there C. what are that
2. our house is…………………………. The police station.
A. near to             B. next to             C. to front of.
3. Nga/s mother……………….in hospital.
A. work                B. workers           C. works.
4. ………….. is behind the house ?” – “the well is”
A. where               B. who                 C. what.
5. “is there a river near Binh/s house? ” – “yes………………..”
A. there                B. this is               C. it is.
   III. Make questions from the words underlined:
1. we want four bottles of water
2. my mother needs some oranges
3. they would like five apples
4. miss Trang feels very tired
5. there is some iced tea to drink after dinner
6. An ice cream is three dollars
7. you can go to the supermarket to buy beef
   IV. Reorder the words to make sentences
1. father / his / time / does / often / what / free / your /in / do ?
2. don/t / camping / we / have / because / tent / we / a / go / never
3. he/s / tennis / sports / Phong / and / likes / table / mr /playing
4. park / a / goes / week / she / the times / to /four
5. never / walks / school / late / Nhung / she / always / is / to / and
6. friends / their / and / often / Trung / kites / how / do / his / fly

I. Complete the sentences by choosing A, B, C or D
1. I usually go to school …………………the morning.
          A. for                        B. at                            C. in                        D. on
2. We live in Hue, but my uncle ……………………in HCM city.
          A. to live                   B. living                       C. live                     D. lives
3. ……………….you learn French? No, I don’t.
          A. Would                  B. Can                         C. Do                      D. Does
4. I am going to ………………….Ngoc Son temple tomorrow.
          A. see                        B. sees                         C. to see                  D. seeing
5. There is ………………….TV set on the table.
          A. the                        B. a                              C. an                       D. any
6. He wants …………………….an engineer.
          A. is                          B. be                            C. being                  D. to be
7. ……………………are you going to stay? In a hotel.
          A. What                    B. Where                     C. When                 D. Which
8. What ………………Ba often do on Sundays? He plays soccer.
          A. is                          B. does                        C. do                       D. would
9. Tokyo is ……………………….than Mexico city.
          A. small                    B. smaller                    C. the smallest        D. very small
10. It’s  …………………… the winter.
          A. hot                        B. cool                         C. cold                    D. warm
II. Matching
1. Does your mother often buy cakes for you?
2. What does your sister teach you?
3. When does their grandfather often tell them stories?
4. Who usually give you new books?
5. How often do you go swimming?
a. The teacher does
b. Yes, she does
c. She teaches me French
d. In the evening
e. Sometimes
III. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in the brackets
1.     Lan and Na (drink)………………ice tea at the moment.
2.     There (not be)…………………..any water in the bottle.
3.     Bi and Hifi (be)…………………in the living room now.
4.     Mr. Nam (get)………………up early in the morning.
5.     My friends always (have)……………….lunch at school.
6.     He usually (go)…………………… on Sundays.
IV. Complete the dialogue by filling each gap with one word from the box
Do      thirsty        what        like          noodles          hungry           to              some
Ba     : How (1)………………………….you feel?
Mai   : I am hot and I am (2)…………………..
Ba     : ………………………(3) would you like?
Mai   : I’d (4)……………………orange juice. What about you?
Ba     : I am (5)……………..I want (6)…………………..noodles. What about you, Nam?
          Would you like some (7)……………………?
Nam  : No, I wouldn’t. I am tired. I’d like (8)…………….sit down.
          Hi. My name is Lan. I live with my family: my father, my mother and two brothers at 12 Tran Phu Street, Ha Noi.
My country is very beautiful. We have lots of mountains and Phanxipang is the highest mountain in my country. We also have many great rivers as the Red River and Mekong River. We have lots of lakes, too.
          There are four seasons in the Northern of Viet Nam. We have lots of rain around the year, so the country is very green. We have big forests and we don’t have any deserts. We have many beautiful beaches. It is a great country.
A. Put the T (True) or F (False).
21.             Lan is from England.                                                    …………………
22.             There are five people in her family.                     …………………
23.             Phanxipang is the highest mountain in Vietnam.          …………………
24.             There aren’t any great rivers in Vietnam.                     …………………
B. Answer the questions.
25.Who does she live with? =>……………………………………………………………………………………
26.Does her country have a lot of mountains? =>……………………………………………………………………………………
27.How many seasons are there in her country?
=> …………………………………………………………………………………
28.Are there any deserts in her country? =>……………………………………………………………………………………
V. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
29.                                                                                     often / at / dinner / I / o’clock / have / seven. =>….…………………………………………………………………………………
30.                                                                                     bigger / Ho Chi Minh City / which / or / Ha Noi / is? =>….…………………………………………………………………………………
31.                                                                                     don’t / Pagoda / go / why / to / we / Huong? =>….…………………………………………………………………………………
32.                                                                                     listens / usually / in / to / free / Lan  / her / music / time. =>….…………………………………………………………………………………
VI. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, using should or shouldn’t.
33.                                                                                     Minh has bad marks.
34.                                                                                     Your sister has a has a bad toothache.
35.                                                                                     People are cutting so many trees.
36. Tom is driving too fast. =>….…………………………………………………………………………………
VII. Find and correct the mistakes
1. Tokyo is small than Mexico city.                   ……………………………….
2. How much students are there in your class? ....................................................
3. Where are Susan from?                                 …………………………………
VIII. Supply the correct tenses of the verbs in the brackets
1. I (be) ……………Lan .                                       
2. What ……… (do)………….. in your free time?    
3. Mai (go)…………….to school every morning.   
4. We (do) ………………………our tests now.                      
5. He wants (go) ………………………camping.                     

IX. Matching
1. What color is your hair?
2. How often does he walk?
3. What’s the weather like?
4. How do you feel?
a. Twice a week.
b. I’m tired and thirsty.
c. It’s black.
d. It’s hot.
1. ……….…….   2. ………………..  3. ……………… 4. …………………