Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 3, 2015


1. Passive voice ( Bị động )
Theo 3 böôùc :  
1. Ñöa taân ngöõ cuûa caâu chuû ñoäng xuoáng laøm chuû ngöõ cuûa caâu bò ñoäng.
2. Xem ñoäng töø chính trong caâu chuû ñoäng chia THÌ naøo thì TOBE seõ chia THÌ ñoù,sau ñoù ñöa ñoäng töø chính veà coät 3 (neáu ñoù laø ñoäng töø baát qui taéc ) hoaëc theâm ED (neáu ñoù laø ñoäng töø coù qui taéc)
3. Ñöa chuû ngöõ cuûa caâu chuû ñoäng xuoáng laøm taân ngöõ cuûa caâu bò ñoäng, sau ñoù theâm BY phía tröôùc.
 S + V + O

S       + TOBE + Ved(3) +  BY + O
Ex :
1.I do my homework. My homework is done by me.
2.I am doing my homework. My homework is being done by me.
3.I have done my homework. My homework has been done by me.
4.I did my homework. My homework was done by me.
5.I will do my homework. My homework will be done by me.
6.I am going to do my homework. My homework is going to be done by me.
7.I have to do my homework. My homework has to be done.
1.He plays the games. …………………………………………………………
2.They are going to visit me. …………………………………………………………        
3.He doesn’t see the movies. …………………………………………………………      
4.They don’t do the task.       …………………………………………………………  
5.My brother didn’t learn English. …………………………………………………………
6.My mother can’t see it. …………………………………………………………
7.I have done my homework. …………………………………………………………
8.I can’t type the letter. …………………………………………………………
9.I can’t do the task. …………………………………………………………
10.She doesn’t meet me. …………………………………………………………
11.They don’t sing the song. …………………………………………………………
12.I can’t play the game. …………………………………………………………
13.We don’t know the girl. …………………………………………………………
14.My friend forgot me. …………………………………………………………
15.The children played football in the street. ………………………………………………

16.They don’t play the game.
17.You treated me badly.
18.My friend’s father behaved me badly.
19. My mother will visit us tomorrow.
20.She is cleaning her house now.
21.I can see the film tonight.
22.I didn’t play marbles with him.
23.He has finished his homework.
24.She has played football.
25.They are going to buy a house.
2. Some forms of passive voice ( Một vài hình thức bị động )
- Have ( get ) somebody do something : Nhờ (bảo) ai làm gì. ( Active Voice )
 Have ( get ) something done : ( Passive Voice )
Ex : My farther has me clean the house.
 My farther has the house cleaned.
- Need  + V-ing / to be Ved ( 3)  : Cần được
Ex : The house needs painting
Ex : The house needs to be painted.
- want : Muốn
Ex : We want to replace the teacher.
  We want the teacher to be replaced.

I. Change these sentences into Passive voice
Ex :
A group of students have met  their friends at the railway station.

Their friends  have been met at the railway station by a group of students .

1. They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home.
2. The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow.
3. How many trees did they cut down to build that fence?
4. This well-known library attracts many people.
5. All students attended the meeting.
6. People say that he is intelligent.
7. He can’t repair my bike.
8. Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock.
9. This is the second time they have written to us about this.
10. Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years.
11. They didn’t look after the children properly.
12. Nobody swept this street last week.
13. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
14. People speak English all over the world.
15. Tom was writing 2 poems.
16. She often takes her dog for a walk.
17. How many lessons are you going to learn next month?
18. She didn’t introduce me to her mother.
19. Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.
20. Farmers usually milk cows twice a day.
21. He likes people to call him “sir”.
22. People know that Japan produces a wide range of cars.
23. Our teacher used to bid us talk in class.
24. Don’t let other see you.
25. Workers were digging a large hole in the ground.
26. Before they took exams they had revised their lessons.
27. The car knocked a woman down in the street.
28. When he came home his father was reading a newspaper.
29. Cows were eating grass on the meadow.
30. My cousin will meet you at the station.
31. She is running her own company.
32. Visitors must leave umbrellas and raincoats in the cloakroom.
33. My mother used to make us clean the house.
34. We might find life on another planet.
35. We have to improve all the schools in the city.
36. I want to replace this bike.
37. She has to finish this homework.
38. My teacher has me read this passage loudly.
39. He gave me a cake.
40. The man sent me a book.
II. Changing the following sentences into passive voice.
1. I open the window.
 The window
2. She writes a letter.
 A letter
3. They buy food and drink
 Food and drink
4. The teacher teaches English.
 English
5. They built a new hospital.
 A new hospital
6. They planted many trees.
 Many trees
7. Mother grows rose trees in the garden.
 Rose trees
8. The farmers cut rice in the field.
 Rice
9. Hoa’s aunt puts the bag on the table.
 The bag
10. She made this shirt for me.
 This shirt
11.Mother bought a newspaper for father.
 A newspaper
12. She made a cake for her little daughter.
 A cake
13. He sent some flowers to me.
 Some flowers
14. They took their children to the movie theater.
 Their children
15. People speak English all over the world.
 English
16. My father drinks tea after meals.
 Tea
17. Ann washes her clothes in the evening.
 Ann’s clothes
18. We used this room last night.
 This room
19. Someone turned on the lights yesterday.
 The lights
20. I saw him in the village.
 He
21. Someone sent me this present.
 I
22. My youngest sister keeps her books on the shelf
 My youngest sister’s books
23. The farmers feed the hens every day.
 The hens
24. Hoa ironed her own clothes.
 Hoa’s own clothes
25. She doesn’t do this exercise
 This exercise
26. Henry broke the vase in the room.
 The vase
27. Ba collects many stamps.
 Many stamps
28. They plant many trees around their house.
 Many trees
29. She throws waste paper away.
 Waste paper ………………………………………………………………………
30. He painted the dining room.
 The dining room
31. Does she close the windows ?
 ……………….the windows
32. Did your father buy a horse?.
…………..the horse
33. She gave her son a new bike.
 Her son
34. She cut a cake into four.
 A cake
35. He cooks lunch in the kitchen.
 Lunch
36. They take me to the National for a play.
 I
37. We destroy the forests.
 Forests
38. That dog bites her.
 She
39. She sliced the beef.
 The beef
40. We wash the cabbages carefully.
 The cabbages


Name :……………………………
Time : 30’



I. Give the right tenses and forms of  the verbs in brackets (5ms)
1. Be quiet ! The baby (cry) …………………………….
2. They (prepare) ……………………… the Christmas at the moment.
3. I am fond of (watch) ……………………… TV.
4. This house need ( repair) ……………………………………  .
5. Daisy (just wash) ………………………  the cup. Now they are very clean.
6. Mai.................................................(buy) some new story books yesterday.
7. The students.......................................................(play) baseball tomorrow.
8. The kids...............................................(sleep) when the bell rang.
9. Kim.......................................(tell) us some fairy tales last night.
10. Uyen.....................................(take) a bus to school everyday.

II. Change these sentences into Passive voice (5ms)
1. They grow rice in tropical countries.
 ……………………………………………………………….
2. They will produce five million bottles of champagne in France next year.
 ……………………………………………………………….
3. They have just introduced a new style of jeans in the USA.
 ……………………………………………………………….
4. They have built two department stores this year.
 ……………………………………………………………….
5. You must do this exercise carefully.
 ……………………………………………………………….
6. They sell jeans all over the world.
 ……………………………………………………………….
7. They made jean cloth completely from cotton in the 18th  century.
 ……………………………………………………………….
8. We can solve the problem.
 ……………………………………………………………….
9. People should stop experiments on animals.
 ……………………………………………………………….
10. They are going to build a new bridge in the area.
 ……………………………………………………………….


1. The simple present tense ( Thì hiện tại đơn )
a. Form ( Hình thức )                    
a.1. Ordinary Verbs 
S +  Vs(es)                                                     Ex : I often get up at 6.
S + do /does + not + V bare infinitive    Ex : I don’t get up at 6.
   Do / Does + S + V bare infinitive ?        Ex : Do you get up at 6?
* Chú ý :
- Vôùi caùc chuû ngöõ laø             : I, You, We, They thì ta duøng trôï ñoäng töø  “DO”
- Coøn caùc chuû ngöõ laø            : He, She, It  thì ta duøng trôï ñoäng töø  “DOES”
- Khi chuû ngöõ ôû ngoâi thöù ba soá ít  (He, She, It) ta theâm “S’ vaøo sau ñoäng töø.       
Ex : He often gets up at 6.
     Nhöng khi caùc ñoäng töø coù taän cuøng laø : S, SS, SH, CH, O, X thì ta theâm “ES” thay vì theâm “S”
Ex : She washes her face.
a.2. To be ( ñoäng töø TOBE )                    
S + IS / AM / ARE +…….                 Ex : She is a teacher.
S + Is / Am /Are + not +…              Ex : She is not (isn’t) a teacher.
IS /AM /ARE + S +..?                     Ex : Is she a teacher?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng ) :  Thì HTÑ ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät chaân lí .                                                           Ex : The earth moves around the Sun.
- Moät haønh ñoäng laëp ñi laëp laïi nhieàu laàn. Ex : I often get up at 6.
- Ngheà nghieäp :                                                        Ex : She is a teacher.
- Ñaëc ñieåm tính chaát cuûa söï vaät hieän töôïng.        Ex : She is beautiful.
- 1 haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra trong töông lai. 
Ex : When I am here tomorrow, I will tell you about that.
* Chú ý :
- Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian nhö : Always  (Luoân luoân) ; Sometimes    ( Thænh thoaûng) ; Often (thöôøng) ; Usually ( Thöôøng thöôøng) ; Seldom (Hieám khi ) ; Never ( Khoâng bao giôø)…
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the simple present tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Hieän Taïi Ñôn )
1. I often (get)……………………………up at 6.                               
2. My father usually (do)…………………………….exercises.
3. He never  (read)………………………books.                 
4. She sometimes (go)……………………………………to school late.
5. They always  (go)……………. home late.               
6. My mother seldom (play)……………………………
7. I  (be)……………………….a boy.                                    
8. She  (be, not)……………………………..lazy.
9. When she  (come)……….here tomorrow, I will meet her.
10. Rivers  (flow)…………………………..into seas.                      
2. The present continuous tense ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )                    
            S + is/am/are + V-ing                                 Ex : I am learning English.
            S + is/am/are + not + V-ing                      Ex : I am not learning English.
            IS/AM/ARE + S + V-ing?                         Ex : Are you learning English ?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng ) Thì HTTD ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng ñang dieãn ra ngay luùc noùi.                  
Ex : She is playing the piano now.   
(Baây giôø coâ aáy ñang chôi ñaøn piano)
- Moät haønh ñoäng mang tính taïm thôøi       
Ex : I often get up at 6. But today I am getting up at 7.
 (Toâi thöôøng thöùc daäy luùc 6 giôø. Nhöng hoâm nay toâi thöùc daäy luùc 7 giôø)
- Moät döï ñònh trong töông lai gaàn  :                                 
Ex : She is visiting her parents tomorrow.
(Ngaøy mai coâ aáy döï ñònh thaêm boá meï mình)
* Chú ý :  
- Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian nhö : Now (Baây giôø) ; At present ( Baây giôø); At the moment ( Baây giôø) ; Right now ( Baây giôø)…….
- Một số động từ  chỉ tri giác, tình cảm...không được chia thì tiếp diễn như : KNOW, SMELL, LOVE…
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the present continuous tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Hieän Taïi Tieáp Dieãn )
1. Nam (read)…………………………a book now.               
2. The children (play)…………………………football at present
3………………….you (learn)…………………English now ?               
4. My friends (watch)……………………………T.V at the moment.
5. He (sleep, not)………………………….. now.                              
6. She (speak)……………………………English right now.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)…………………….…….in the park now.            
8. They (chat)……………………………….at the moment.
9. I  (do)…………………………… homework at the moment.
10. She (listen)………………………………… music now.
3. The present perfect tense ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )        
S + HAVE/HAS + Ved(3)                          Ex : I have just done my homework.
S + HAVE/HAS + NOT + Ved(3) Ex : I have not done my homework.
HAVE / HAS + S + Ved(3) ?                     Ex : Have you done your homework?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng ) Thì HTHT ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
-  1 haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù nhöng thôøi gian khoâng xaùc ñònh roõ raøng.
Ex :  I have lost my key.
- 1 haønh ñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra.
Ex : I have just done my homework.
( Toâi vöøa môùi laøm xong baøi taäp veà nhaø cuûa mình)
* Chuù yù :
- Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian nhö : Recently (Gaàn ñaây ) ; Lately        ( gaàn ñaây) ; So far ( Cho tôùi baây giôø) ; Up to now (Cho tôùi baây giôø) ; Never ( Khoâng bao giôø); Ever (ñaõ töøng),……
- FOR + 1 khoaûng thôøi gian ( for 3 years)
- SINCE + 1 moác thôøi gian (Since 2000)
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the present perfect tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Hieän Taïi Hoàn Thành )
1. He (do)………………………………………….homework .                               
2. I (play)………………………………………….football.
3. She ( wash)……………………………………….her face.                               
4. I (read)……………………………………………….4 books.
5. So far,they (finish)……………………………………………3 exercises.         
6. Recently, People ( see)…………………………the film.
7. I (not, see) ……………………………………………him since  1998.
8. Marry (know)………………………………him for 3 years.
9. I (listen)……………………………………………… music.                 
10…………………you (be)…………………………to HCM city?
4. The present perfect continuous tense ( Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn ) *
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )        
S + HAVE/HAS + BEEN+ V-ing              Ex : I have just been doing  my homework.
S + HAVE/HAS + NOT + BEEN+ V-ing            Ex : I have not been doing  my homework.
HAVE / HAS + S + BEEN+ V-ing?                     Ex : Have you been doing your homework?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng ) Thì HTHTTD  ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- 1 haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và còn tiếp diễn trong trong tương lai.

Ex : I have been learning English for 4 years.
(Toâi đã và đang học tiếng Anh được 4 năm rồi)
* Chú ý : Thì HTHTTD nhấn mạnh thời gian còn thì HTHT nhấn mạnh kết quả
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the present perfect continuous tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Hieän Taïi Hoàn Thành tiếp diễn  )
1. He (do)………………………………………….homework for 3 hours.                        
2. I  (play)………………………………………….football for 2 hours.
3. She ( wash)……………………………………….her face for 15 minutes.                
4. I (read)……………………………………………….4 books for 3 days.
5. They (do)……………………………………………3 exercises for 3 months.  
6. People ( watch)………………………….……the film for 2 hours.
7. I (not, play) ……………………………………………video games for 4 years.
8. Marry (read)………………………………the book for 3 years.
9. I  (listen)……………………………………………… music for 7 hours                    
10…………………you (teach)…………………………English for 5 years ?
5. The simple past tense ( Thì quá khứ đơn )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )        
a.1. Ordinary Verbs (ñoäng töø thöôøng )
S +  Ved(2)                                                    Ex : I got up at 6.
S + did + not + V bare infinitive             Ex : I didn’t get up at 6.
Did + S + V bare infinitive ?                    Ex : Did you get up at 6?
a.2 Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø TOBE :                     
S + Was / Was +…….            Ex : She was a teacher.
S + was / were + not +…     Ex : She was not (wasn’t) a teacher.
Was / Were  + S +..?          Ex : Was she a teacher?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì QKÑ ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra taïi 1 thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong quaù khöù .
Ex : I got up at 6 yesterday. (Hoâm qua toâi thöùc daäy luùc 6 giôø)
- Trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian nhö : Ago (Caùch ñaây) ; Yesterday ( Hoâm qua) ; Last night / week / month / year ; In 2000…
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the simple past tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Quá kh Ñôn )
1. Nam (read)………………….……a book last night.                   
2. The children (play)………………………football yesterday.
3……………….you (learn)………………English last year?             
4. My friends (not, watch)………………………….……T.V last night.
5. He (sleep, not)…………………………..……well last night.                     
6. She (speak)………………….………English in 2000.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)………………….…….in the park.                       
8. They (chat)………………….…….yesterday morning.
9. I  (do)……………………………… homework last night.                   
10. She (listen)……………………………… music last night.
6. The past continuous tense ( Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn )
a.Form ( Hình thöùc )                     
S + WAS/WERE + V-ing                           Ex : I was learning English at 5 yesterday.
S + WAS/WERE + not + V-ing                Ex : I was not learning English at 5 yesterday.
WAS/WERE + S + V-ing?             Ex : Were  you learning English at 5 yesterday ?
b.Use ( Caùch duøng ) Thì QKTD ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng ñang dieãn ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.                     
Ex : She was playing the piano at 7 last night.
(Tối hôm qua, vào lúc 7 giờ coâ aáy ñang chôi ñaøn piano)
- Một hành động đang diễn ra khi có một hành động khác chen ngang ( vào)
Ex : When I came, they were having dinner yesterday.
( Tối hôm qua, khi tôi đến thì họ đang ăn cơm tối )
- Hai hành động cùng song song xảy ra
Ex : I was reading books while my son was playing video games yesterday.
( Hôm qua tôi đang đọc sách trong khi đó con tôi đang chơi games)
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the past continuous tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Quá Kh Tieáp Dieãn )
1. Nam (read)…………………………a book when I came yesterday.                  
2. The children (play)…………………………football at 5 yesterday afternoon.
3………………….you (learn)…………………English at 7 yesterday evening?                   
4. My friend (watch)……………………………T.V while his mother was cooking.
5. He (sleep, not)…………………………... at 10 p.m yesterday.                          
6. She (speak)……………………………English when he came yesterday.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)…………………….…….in the park when we came.                 
8. They (chat)……………………………….while he was reading.
9. I  (do)…………………………… homework while my brother was playing cards.
10. She (listen)………………………………… music when I came.
7. The past perfect tense ( Thì quá khứ hoàn thành )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )        
S + Had + Ved(3)                            Ex : I had learned English before I came here.
S + Had +not +  Ved(3)                  Ex : I had not learned English before I came here.
Had + S +  Ved(3) ?                        Ex : Had you learned English before I came here ?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì QKHT ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc 1 haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù hay 1 thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù.
Ex : She had had dinner before she went to bed.
( Coá aáy ñaõ aên côm toái tröôùc khi ñi nguû)
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the past perfect tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Qúa Kh Hoàn Thành )
1. He (do)………………………………………….homework before 5 p.m yesterday.   
2. I (play)………………………………….football before he ate dinner.
3. She ( wash)……………………………………….her face before she had dinner.   
4. I (read)………………………………………….4 books before I went to bed.
5. They (finish)…………………………………3 exercises before I came.  
6. People ( see)……………………….…the film many times before she watched it.
7. I (not, see) ……………………………………………him before I came back.
8. Marry (know)………………………………him before she met me.
9. I (listen)………………………………… music before I learned English.                   
10…………………you (be)…………………………to HCM city before 1975?
8. The past perfect continuous tense ( Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn ) *
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )        
S + Had + BEEN + V-ing              Ex : I had been learning English before I came here..
S + Had +not + BEEN + V-ing    Ex : I had not been learning English before I came here.
Had + S +  BEEN + V-ing?           Ex : Had you been learning English before I came here ?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì QKHTTD ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc 1 haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù hay 1 thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù nhưng vẫn còn tiếp diễn trong quá khứ.
Ex : It had been raining when I got up last night.
( Tối hôm qua khi tôi thức dậy trời đã và đang mưa )
* Chú ý : Thì QKHTTD nhấn mạnh thời gian còn thì QKHT nhấn mạnh kết quả
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the past perfect continuous tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Quá Kh Hoàn Thành tiếp diễn  )
1. He (do)…………………………………….homework for 3 hours before I came.  
2. I  (play)…………………………………….football for 2 hours when she came.
3. She ( wash)………………………………….her face for 15 minutes before 5 yesterday.
4. I (read)…………………………………….4 books for 3 days when my teacher asked me.
5. They (do)…………………………………3 exercises for 3 months when he came.        
6. People ( watch)…………………….……the film for 2 hours before I came.
7. I (not, play) …………………………………video games for 4 years before yesterday.
8. Marry (do)………………………………the task for 3 hours before I met her.
9. I  (listen)……………………………… music for 7 hours when she came.                
10…………………you (teach)………………English for 5 years  when I met you ?
9. The simple future tense ( Thì Tương Lai Đơn)
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )                    
S + WILL (SHALL ) + V (nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”)
S + Will + not ( Won’t ) + V (nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”)
WILL + S + V (nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”) ?
            Ex : I will go to school tomorrow.
            Ex : I will not go to school tomorrow.
            Ex : Will I go to school tomorrow?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì TLÑ ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra taïi 1 thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong töông lai, trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian nhö : Tomorrow ( ngaøy mai), Next day / Week / Month / Year……
Ex : Next week I will visit my friends.
( Tuaàn tôùi toâi seõ ñi thaêm baïn toâi )
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the simple future tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Tương Lai Ñôn )
1. I (get)………………………..……up at 6 tomorrow.          
2. My father (clean)……………………..…….the house next week.
3. He (read)…………………………..……the books.  
4. She (go)…………………… ……to school late tomorrow
5. They (go)…………………………... home late.                
6. My mother (not, play)……………………………
7. I (not, be)……………………………..……….a bad boy.        
8. She (not, be)…………………………..…..lazy.
9. I (meet) ………………………….…….. her. 
10……………….you (be)………………..a good student?
9. Near future Tense ( Thì tương lai gần / Tương lai dự định )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )                                
S + is / am / are + going to + V(nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”)
            S + is / am / are + not + going to + V(nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”)
            Is / Am / Are + S + going to + V(nguyeân maãu khoâng “To”) ?
Ex : I am going to visit my parents next week.
( Toâi döï ñònh thaêm ba meï toâi vaøo tuaàn tôùi )
Ex : I am not going to visit my parents next week.
( Toâi khoâng döï ñònh thaêm ba meï toâi vaøo tuaàn tôùi )
Ex : Are you going to visit your parents next week.
( Baïn coù döï ñònh thaêm ba meï baïn vaøo tuaàn tôùi coù phaûi khoâng? )
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì TL Döï Ñònh ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû
- 1 döï ñònh, 1 keá hoaïch trong töông lai gaàn, trong caâu baét buoäc phaûi coù traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian noùi veà töông lai.
Ex : He is going to have a cup of coffee with his friends next Sunday.
( Anh ấy dự định đi uống cafe với bạn vào chủ nhật tới )
Supply the verbs in the brackets with near future tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Tương Lai dự định )
1. Nam (read)……………………………a book tonight.
2. The children (play)……………………..……………football tomorrow.
3……..……you (learn)………………….………English next week?
4. My friends (not, watch)…………………………………………T.V tonight.
5. He (sleep, not)…………………………………..……tonight.   
6. She (speak)……………………………………..………English with them next week.
7. Peter and Susan (sit)…………………………………….in the park tomorrow.       
8. They (chat)………………………………………………….with each other tonight.
9. I (do)……………………………………… homework tonight.     
10. She (listen)…………………………………………… music next week.
10. The future continuous tense ( Thì Tương Lai Tiếp Diễn )
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )                    
S + WILL + BE +V-ing.
      S + WILL + not ( Won’t ) + BE + V-ing.
      WILL + S + BE + V-ing ?
            Ex : I will be visiting my parents at 5  tomorrow.
            Ex : I will not be visiting my parents  at 5 tomorrow.
            Ex : Will you be visiting your  parents at 5  tomorrow?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì TLTD ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng seõ đang diễn ra taïi 1 thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong töông lai.
Ex : At 5 tomorrow afternoon I will be playing football with  my friends.
( Vào lúc 5 giờ chiều mai, tôi sẽ đang chơi bóng đá với bạn tôi )
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the future continuous tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Tương Lai Tiếp Diễn )
1. I (do)………………………..……my hơmework at 9 tomorrow.  
2. My father (clean)……………………..…….the house at 7 next Saturday.
3. He (read)…………………………..……the books at 5 tomorrow morning.         
4. She (watch)…………………… ……TV at 7 tomorrow evening.
5. They (do)…………………………... the chores at 7 nexr Sunday.                    
6. My mother (not, play)…………………………… at 8 tomorrow.
7. I (not, drive)……………………………..……….the car at 6 tomorrow.       
8. She (not, buy)…………………………..….. a hat at 9 tomorrow morning.
9. I (meet) ………………………….…….. her at 10 next Monday..  
10……………….you (sing )………………..a song at 8 tomorrow ?
11. The future perfect tense (Thì Tương Lai Hoàn Thành ) *
a. Form ( Hình thöùc )                    
S + WILL + HAVE  +Ved ( 3)
            S + WILL + NOT + HAVE +Ved ( 3)
            WILL + S + HAVE +Ved ( 3) ?
            Ex : I will have  learned English for 4 years next year.
            Ex : I will not have  learned English for 4 years next year.
            Ex : Will I have  learned English for 4 years next year ?
b. Use ( Caùch duøng )  Thì TLHT ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû :
- Moät haønh ñoäng seõ hoàn thành taïi 1 thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong töông lai, trong caâu thöôøng coù caùc traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian nhö : before (5 p.m tomorrow…), by the time, by the end of …..
Ex : Before 6 p.m tomorrow, I will have finished the task .
Supply the verbs in the brackets with the future perfect tense
( Chia caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ôû Thì Tương Lai Hoàn Thành )
1. I (finish)………………………..……the task by the end of next month.
2. My father (clean)……………………..…….the house before 6 tomorrow.
3. He (read)…………………………..……the books before 4 o’clock today.
4. She (go)…………………… ……to school before 6 this morning.
5. They (go)…………………………... home before 9 this evening.                    

I. Supply the correct verb form.
1. I (see)…………a car accident while I (wait)…….……… for you on this corner yesterday.
2. Mr. John (be)…………….. principal of our school since last year.
3. Mr. Smith (teach)…………………… at this school since he (graduate)…………. in1980.
4. My father (not watch) …………………….TV every night.
5. I (meet) ………………..Arthur three weeks ago.
6. Yesterday the police (report)…………… that they (capture)…………………… the thief.
7. My friend (thank)……………….. me for what I had done for him.
8. Someone (steal)……………… my handbag on the bus.
9. The Browns (live)………….….. in Paris for 7 years when the Second World War (break out)………………….
10. Last month I (be)………………. in the hospital for ten days.
11. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be)……………… away in the afternoon.
12. Mr. Clark (be)…………… in New York 2 months ago. Mr. Rossi (be)………… in New York until 2 months ago.
13. John (drive)…………………..…. that car ever since I (know)………………. him.
14. People (speak)……………….. English in almost Canada.
15. The dog (wag)……………….. his tail whenever he (see)…………… me.
16. What …………you (do)………. when I (ring)……………you last night?
17. Up to then I never (see)……………… such a fat man.
18. I (not see)……………….. him since last Monday.
19. They had sold all the books when we (get)…………………… there.
20. I think he (leave) …………….as soon as he (know)……………… the news.
21. She (play) ………………the piano when our guests (arrive)……………. last night.
22. He (come)………………. and (see)…………….. you soon.
23. I (come) ………… soon as I have finished my work. ……..You (be)……… ready?
24. My mother (come) ……………….to stay with us next weekend.
25. Where ………… (spend)………………… your holidays next summer?
26. Violets (bloom)……………. in spring.
27. We (not live)……………… in England for two years now.
28. I (never forget)……………….. what you (just tell)…………….. me.
29. They (prepare) …………………the Christmas dinner at the moment.
30. When I last (stay)…………. in Cairo, I (ride)…………… to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow)………….. the day before.
31. Our teacher (tell)…………… us yesterday they he (visit)…………….. England in 1970.
32. George (work) ………….at the university so far.
33. When he lived in Manchester, he (work)……………. in a bank.
34. Birds (build)……….. their nests in summer and (fly)…………….to the South in winter.
35. I (lose) …………my key. (can) …… help me look for it?
36. My father (not smoke)………………. for five years.
37. My teacher wasn’t at home when I (arrive)……………... He (just go)……………. out.
38. How long…………… Bob and Mary (be)………………. married?
39. …………..You (receive) …………………..any letter from your parents yet?
40. My brother (join)……………. the army when he (be)……………….. young.
41. ……..You (remember)…………… my name or you (forget) ……… someday?
42. Tom (study)…………. chemistry for three years and then he gave it up.
43. Miss Lee often (write)……………. when he (be)………….. young.
44. He (leave) ………….home two weeks ago and we (not hear) ……………..from him since then.
45. ………….You (speak)……………… to Mrs. Bakers yesterday?
46. No, I (not see)………….her for a long time.
47. I (not can)…………… remember when I last (see)………………….. her.
48. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play)……………… games.
49. Columbus (discover)……………….. America more than 400 years ago.
50. By the next month, I (finish)………………… my first novel.
51. By May 5, we (live)……………… in this city for ten years.
52. When …………..your father (die)……………..?
53. I (not know) ………….when he (die)…………………..
54. Bill said he (forget) …………………to buy a dictionary.
55. He felt asleep while he (do)…………………his homework.
56. We (not see) …………………..them for a long time.
57. It (rain) ………………..when we arrived.
58. Kite and I (wait)……………. right here until you get back.
59. He’ll leave as soon as he (hear)…………….. the news.
60. Dick (start)…………….. school before he (be)……………. seven.
61. How long ………… (study) …………… this school?
62. We (not receive)…………..… any letter from him since he (leave) ……….…..four months ago.
63. Where are you? I’m upstairs. I (have) ……..…………..a bath.
64. I (speak)…………..…….. to you about that matter after the meeting tonight.
65. At this time next week, we (live)……………. in USA.
66. Hurry up! The train (come)…………………….
67. Be quiet! The teacher (be)………………. angry.
68. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak)………………… to you?
69. Some animals (not eat)…………… during winter.
70. I (finish)……………… the book before my next birthday.
71. John (watch)……………….. TV at 8 last evening.
72. Mr. Pike (live)……………………….. here since last October.
73. Someone (cut)……………….. down all the trees in the garden.
74. The house (build)………………. two years ago.
75. Listen! The bird (sing)………………..
76. Trees (plant)…………………………….. since it (stop)………………. raining.
77. Tom Baker (not come)……………………. here tomorrow.
78. By the end of last March. I (study)……………….. English for 5 years.
79. He often (say)…………………. O.K when he (talk)…………… with the quests.
80. What …………….you (do)………….. after you (go)…………….. home yesterday?
81. How long …………… (wait)……………. for me? - Just a few minutes.
82. He (do)……………… his homework before he went to the cinema.
83. By noon, I (wait)………………. for her for two hours.
84. By the time you come there, she (make)…………………. a big cake.
85. Yesterday thieves (break)…………….. into the house and (steal)…………… a lot of fur coats while the quests (dance)…………………..
86. When I came in, they all (sit)………….. round the fire. Mr. Pike (do)…………… a crossword puzzle, Mrs. Pike (knit)……………., and the other (read)…………...
87. Mr. Jackson (paint) ……………his house since last month.
88. She (ask)…………. me to tell about him several times.
89. The audience (listen)……………. to everything he said last night.
90. At 4 p.m. yesterday. Well, I (work)…………….. in my office at that time.
A : I (play) ……………… since I was 5 years old.
B : ……………you (play)………….. since you (come) ………… England?
A : Oh, yes. I (play) …………..quiet a lot. I (join)………….. a club the day after I (arrive)……………
92. I’m preparing to support anything he (say)……………….. tomorrow.
93. Sometimes I (get)…………. up before the sun (rise)………………...
94. He said he (be) …………………mistaken.
95. Don’t speak until someone (ask)……………you.
96. May (come)………………… from London.
97. Please be quiet! I (work)……………………..
98. When I (be)………………. a child, I (want)……………….. to be a doctor.
99. David (be)…………………. born after his father (die)……………………..
100. Long ago, my younger brother often (cry)…………………..
101. The last train (leave) ………………….the station at 5 p.m.
102. Up to now, the teacher (give)…………………………… our class five tests.
103. Tonight, I ( visit )………………… parents.
104. She ( not, see ) …………………….him for a long time.
105. I ( read)…………………….3 books so far.

II. FORMS OF VERBS ( Hình thức của động từ )
- Danh động từ trong Tiếng Anh gồm một động từ + ing ( Swimming, reading). Chức năng của danh động từ giống như chức năng của danh từ_có thể làm chử ngữ hay tân ngữ trong câu. Ví dụ :
Talking to friends is nice but being alone is also enjoyable.
Swimming in the Ocean is a lot of fun.
My favorite activity is reading.
I hate packing.
- Danh động từ cũng có thể có chức năng làm túc từ của giới từ. Ví dụ :
The idea of working abroad appeals to me.
The Rogers are happy about having a baby.
- Danh động từ cũng xuất hiện sau giới từ to, ví dụ như : lead to, look  forward  to, object to, be commited to, be opposed to, be used to. Ví dụ :
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
I’m opposed to borrowing the money.
- Danh động từ đôi khi có thể đi sau một danh từ sở hữu ( John’s, the student’s.) hoặc một đại từ sở hữu ( my, your). Ví dụ :
We look forward to your coming.
John’s getting a pay raise will make him happy.
- Danh động từ cũng có thể xuất hiện ở vị trí túc từ sau một số động từ. Sau đây là bảng kê động từ có thể được theo sau bởi một danh động từ.
Động từ
Ví dụ
Thừa nhận
He admitted stealing the money.
She advised waiting until tomorrow.
Dự tính
I anticipate having a good time on vacation.
Đánh giá cao
I appreciate hearing from them.
He avoided answering my questions.
Hoàn thành
I finally completed writing my term paper.
Xem xét
I will consider going with you.
Làm chậm trễ
He delayed leaving for school.
Từ chối
She denied committing the crime.
Thảo luận
They discussed opening a new business.
Không thích
I dislike driving long distance.
We enjoyed visiting them.
Kết thúc
She finished studying about ten.
I’ll never forget visiting Napoleon’s tomb.
Can’t help
Không thể chịu đựng được
I can’t help worrying about it.
Giữ, duy trì
I keep hoping he will come.
Nói đến
She mentioned going to a movie.
Chăm sóc, quan tâm, để ý đến
Would you mind helping me with this?
Nhớ, Nhỡ
I missed being with my family.
Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow.
Thực hành
This athlete practiced throwing the ball.
Từ bỏ
He quit trying to solve the problem.
Nhớ lại
I don’t recall meeting him before.
Nhớ ra
I don’t recollect meeting him before.
Đề nghị
She recommended seeing the show.
Hối tiếc
I regret telling him my secret.
I can remember meeting him when I was a child.
Bực tức, phẫn nộ
I resent her interfering in my business.
Cưỡng lại được, kìm nén được
I couldn’t resist eating the desert.

She risks losing all of her money.

She stopped going to classes when she got sick.

She suggested going to the movie

She won’t tolerate cheating during an exam.

I don’t understand his leaving school.

1. Full- Infinitive ( Nguyên mẫu có To )
- Phần lớn động từ trong tiếng Anh khi đi sau một động từ thì đều là nguyên mẫu có “To”
Ex : I want to buy a house.
- To infinitive sau cấu trúc : “ It is + Adj + To infinitive…..”
Ex : It is easy to learn English.
( Học tiếng Anh thì dễ )
2. Bare-infinitive ( Nguyên mẫu không To )
Động từ theo sau các động từ sau thì buộc phải nguyên mẫu không “ To”
- To make ( Trong cấu trúc này có nghĩa là “Nhờ “)
Ex : I made my brother carry my suitcase.
( Tôi nhờ anh trai tôi mang vali của tôi )
- To let (để cho ..)
Ex : I let my friend borrow my bicycle.
( Tôi cho bạn tôi mượn xe đạp của tôi )
Ex : My father let me drive his car.
( Ba tôi để tôi ( cho tôi) lái xe ông ấy )
- To have  ( Trong cấu trúc này có nghĩa là “ Nhờ “)
Ex : I have  my brother carry my suitcase.
( Tôi nhờ anh trai tôi mang vali của tôi )
- To help ( Giúp đỡ )
Ex : My brother helped me wash my car.
( Anh trai tôi giúp tôi rửa xe)
* Chú ý : Nhưng sau help cũng có thể là nguyên mẫu có “To”
Ex : My brother helped me to wash my car.
( Anh trai tôi giúp tôi rửa xe)
- Used to + V bare infinitive
Used to (Ñaõ töøng, thöôøng )
Đöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû 1 thoùi quen trong quaù khöù maø baây giôø khoâng coøn nöõa.
Ex  : My father smoked a lot last year. Now he gives up smoking . He used to smoke.
(Naêm ngoaùi ba toâi ñaõ huùt thuoác raát nhieàu. Baây giôø oâng ta ñaõ boû thuoác. OÂng aáy ñaõ töøng huùt thuoác)
3. Gerund ( Danh động từ )
- Danh ñoäng töø laø danh töø ñöôïc caáu taïo töø ñoäng töø baèng caùch theâm –ing
Moät soá ñoäng töø maø theo sau noù ñoäng töø buoäc phaûi theâm –ing:
+ Love (Yeâu)                                                                  + Like (Thích)                     
+ Dislike (Khoâng thích )                                               + Enjoy (Thích )
+ Hate (Gheùt)                                                                 + Start (Baét ñaàu)                             
+ Begin (Baét ñaàu)                                                          + Finish (Keát thuùc)
+ Stop (Keát thuùc )                                                          + Admit (Thöøa nhaän)
+ Avoid (Traùnh)                                                             + Practise (thöïc haønh)
+ Quit (Töø boû)                                                                + Postpone (Hoaø hoaõn)
+ Can’t help (Khoâng theå chòu ñöïng ñöôïc)                + Keep (Giöõ,duy trì)
+ Miss (Nhôù)                                                                   + Risk (Nguy cô )
+ Suggest  (Ñeà nghò)                                                                 …….
Ex : I love reading books.
4. Past participle ( Quá khứ phân từ )
- Là hình thức động từ thêm ed” hoặc ở cột  “3” ( Nếu động từ đó bất quy tắc )
Ex : I have finished the task.
Ex : Nam punished by his teacher yesterday is very handsome.
(Nam who was punished by his teacher yesterday  is very handsome)
( Nam người bị thầy giáo phạt hôm qua thì rất đẹp trai)
5. Present participle ( Hiện tại phân từ )
- Hiện tại phân từ cũng là hình thức động từ thêm đuôi –ING , mang ý nghĩa chủ động, nhưng không phải theo sau các động từ như trong danh mục trên ( Danh mục động từ theo sau buộc phải thêm – ING)
Ex : I am reading the book now.
Ex : Nam talking to you yesterday is my friend.
(Nam who was  talking to you yesterday is my friend.)
Chia hình thöùc ñuùng caùc ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc :
1. He likes (play)………………………football.           
2. I love ( read)………………………..books.
3. My father enjoys (listen)……… to music.  
4. The students have finished (do)…………the homework.
5. He suggested me ( buy)………..the house.  
6. She practices (speak)……………….English everyday.
7. Nam stopped (smoke)…………….. yesterday.          
8. I hate (be)……………………called “sir”.
9. I can’t help ( wait)………….for him.              
10. It starts (rain)…………………………
11. I missed ( catch)………………….the train. 
12. They avoided (meet)…………….me.
13. He admitted (Steal)……………………the car.       
14. He risks (lose) …………………….his money.
15. My brother dislikes (play)………………chess.      
16. The boy started ( cry)……………………………….
17. I used to ( play )………………… when I was a child.
18. Let me ( introduce )……………….you to my family.
19. He makes me ( clean ) ……………..the house.
20. My farther has me ( do)…………….the chores.
21. She helped him ( wash )…………………the car.
22. It is difficult ( speak )…………………to the foreigners.
23. Mary ( talk)………….to you is my classmate.
24. Tuan ( give) ………a bike by his farther is very happy.
25. They have ( complete )……..…..….the sentences.
26. Tourists could see fish ( swim)…………….. along the brook.
27. We enjoy (swim)……………along this river.
28. The form teacher has asked Jack (write)……………………. an essay on the Thames.
29. It sometimes may be difficult (get) ………………………a taxi during rush- hours.
30. The rain has made the children ( stop)……………………… their games.
31. She tells the driver( take) ……………………….her to the railway station.
32. Does Mrs Green have them ( carry) ……………………….those books back home?
33. The principal noticed those pupils (try) …………………………harder and harder.
34. Children have just stopped ( play) ……………………….football.
35. They keep ( talk) …………………….about an old friend they met yesterday.
36. Is Black Pool ( visit) ………………….by thousands of tourists each year?
37.We heard Mr Brown ( park)……………………….. his car near the gate.
37. They’ve finished ( do)…………………………. their homework.
38. They had their house (paint)……………………………. before Tet holiday.
39. I advised him ( wait) ………………………………for me at the airport.
40. Would you mind ( help) …………………… with this work?
41. Do you smell something ( burn)……………… in the kitchen?
42. Mother requests her daughter not ( come) ………………..back home late.
43. We shall have the grass ( cut) …………………..tomorrow.
44. They noticed lots of sheep ( graze)…………………. in green meadows.
45. When I’m tired, I enjoy ( watch) ……………………….TV. It’s relaxing.
46. Would you like(have)………………….. something to eat?
47. It started ( rain)…………….. an hour ago. Has it stopped ( rain)……………….. yet?
48. My family is trying (decide)……………………..where to go on holiday.
49. Our teacher made me (answer)……………………all the questions.
50. I’ve enjoy ( meet)………………….. you. I hope ( see) ………………… again.
51. I hate ( see)………………..a child(cry)…………………….
52. They prefer ( play)………………….. in swimming pool all day.
53.They refuse ( go)…………… out on trips if it’s too hot.
54. I used ( smoke)…………….. 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up ( smoke)…………
55. We decided ( rent) …………………….a house with a swimming pool.
56. Can you help me (get)………………….. the dinner ready?
57. When we arrived, the people next door invited us ( have)…………… a drink with them.
58. We began (talk) ……………………….about next year’s holiday two months ago.
59. I remember (lock)………… the door when I left but forgot ( shut)……… the window.
60. He agrees (start) ……………………..the job as soon as possible.
61. I finished ( read)…………………… the book and went to bed.
62. My teachers always expected me ( do) ……………………..well in exams.
63. Let me ( pay) ………………………..for the meal.You paid last time.
64. It’s difficult ( get) ……………….used to ( eat) …………………..with chopsticks.
65. I can’t stand ( stay )………………………….up late.

I. Supply the correct verb forms
1. Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep) ……………………….
2. The sun ( set) ……………… the West.
3. Mr Green always ( go)……………………. to work by bus.
4. It ( not rain ) …………………… the dry season.
5. They ( have ) …………………….lunch in the cafeteria now.
6. My little sister ( drink)  ………………………milk every day.
7. The doctor sometimes ( return)………………………..  home late.
8. He ( write)…………………………… a long novel at present.
9. Look ! The bus ( come)…………………………...
10. The earth (move) …………………………….around the sun.
11. Something ( smell)………………………. good in the kitchen now.
12. His uncle ( teach)…………………………. English in our school five years ago.
13. The old man ( fall) …………………as he (get)………………………… into the bus.
14. When I saw him, he (sit)……………………………. asleep in a chair.
15. There (be) ………………………….a lot of noise at the fair yesterday.
16. It (take)………………………….. me 5 minutes to walk to school last year.
17. They ( not speak)………………………….. to each other since they quarreled
18. I (try)………….….. to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed)…………...…... yet
19. I (not see) …………………………her since last week.
20. John ( do)………………………… his homework already.
21. The train (start)……………………… before we arrived at the station.
22. There (be)………………………. an English class in this room tomorrow evening.
23. The film already (begin) …………………………when we got to the cinema.
24. ………..You (stay)…………………………. at home tonight?
25. I ( be) ……………………….twenty years old next June.
26. Where are you?- I’m upstairs. I (have)…………………….. a bath.
27. All of them (sing) ………………………when I ( came)…………………….
28. What you (do) …………………………at 7 p.m yesterday?
29. Where you  (spend) ………………………….your holiday last year?
30. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak)……………………….. to you?
II. Supply the correct verb forms
1.         A         : I ………………….…( not see) Andrew for weeks.
            B         : Nor me, It’s weeks since I last ……………….….( see) him.
2.         A         : What……………………………………………( you/do) last night?
            B         : Well, I ………....( be) very tired, so I ………………( go) to bed very early.
3.         A         : …………………….( you/ meet) Julie recently?
            B         : Yes, I ……………………..….(see) her a few days ago.
4.         A         : Are you still playing tennis?
            B         : No, I ……………....( not be) able to play tennis since I (break)
                        ………………………my arm.
5.         A         : What part of Birmingham……………………. ( you/live) when you
                        ………………... (be) a student?
            B         : A place called Selly Oak ………………………..…( you/ever/be) there?

III. Use the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.                                           
1. Where……… we (spend)……….… the night tonight?  I think we (come)……… to the festival.
2. My friend (get)…………….. married in August this year.                           
3. The ambulance is coming. I (wave)………………….. to the driver.                                  
4. You (invite)…………………….. the newcomers of our class to the party?                     
5. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It (rain)……………………….                          
6. Mozart (play)…………. the piano when he (be)………………….. three years old.       
7. My family (watch)……….. T.V every night. But now we (listen) ….………to pop music.
8. I (buy)………. this picture along time ago, but you (not see)…………… it for age.      
9. I have lost my key. I (find)……….. it when I (look) …………..for something else.        
10. What …….you (do)……., Tan? I (write)………… a letter. I (write)……….. them every week.
11. We (not see)………………… him last year. He (leave)…………… for Ho Chi Minh.
12. I am glad that I (meet)………………. my parents next week.                                               
13. What you (do)…………….. last night? – I (go)……………. to my aunt’s house.         
14. ……… (invite)……………….. the newcomers of our class to the party last night?          
15. My friend (live)…………….. in HCM City since he (be)……………….. eleven.        
16. What…………. you (do)………………… last night? - I (stay)……………….. at home.
17. How long…….. they (learn)……….. English? - They (learn) …………..English for two years.
18. I (be)……. at Tam’s house last night, but I (cook) …………….dinner at home at the moment.
19. The children (play) …………… when the mother (come)……………. back yesterday.
20. Children shouldn’t (drink) …………coffee. It (not be) …………..good for your health.
21. She (see)……………….. that film 10 years ago. It (be) ………………very cold yesterday. I (cook) ..................................dinner at present.
22. My father (read)…………………………. newspaper every morning.                            
23. I (not have)…………….. breakfast this morning, but I (be) ………….not hungry now. 
24. I used to live when I (be)…………………….. a young girl.                                             
25. Where ………..we (spend)……….. the night tonight? – I think we (come) …… the festival.
26. My friend (get)……………… married in August next year.                                 
27. I have a broken leg. I (fall)………………. over when I (play)…………………. soccer
28. My brother (come)…………………… home last night. He (not get) …………….up yet.
29. We (not see)………….. him since he ( go)…………….. to university.                           
30. Green (teach) ………………English in this school since he (graduate)…………. from this university in 1986.
31. Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt (go)…………….. to the market.
32. Vegetables often ( have )…………………. dirt from the farm on them
33. When ……………you ………. (buy) this dress? –Two days ago.
34. Why (be)………………………… you absent from school yesterday?
35. I (be)……………….. fourteen years old next week.
36. They ( perform)…………………… “Romeo and Juliet “ last Sunday.
37. Lan’s family always (watch )…………………..TV in the evening
38. My father ( play )………………….. roller-skating when he (be ) a child
39. The Pikes..............................................(move) to London since 2002.
40. She .....................................(eat) a lot of fruit yesterday.
41. People.............................................(speak) English in India long time ago.
42. They..........................................(practice) their music lesson at 7 o’clock last night.
43. Thu.............................................(look) after her little brother next Sunday.
44. They..............................................(know) each other quite well for years.
45. It usually (rain) ……………………………in the summer.
46. She (win) ………………………………the gold medal in 1986
47. They (build) ……………………………………………a house by June next year.
48. I wish I (can) …………………………………………………speak French.
49. They wish they (get) ……………………………………………good grades.
50. The earth (circle) …………………………………the sun once every 365 days.
51. Mai.................................................(buy) some new story books yesterday.
52. The students.......................................................(play) baseball at the moment.
53. The kids...............................................(sleep) when the bell rang.
54. Kim.......................................(tell) us some fairy tales last night.
55. Uyen.....................................(take) a bus to school everyday.
56. They...................................(leave) for Hanoi yesterday.
57. Lan.................................................(borrow) some books from the library since Monday.
58. My grandfather.............................................(live) in HCM city for ten years.
59. Their parents.................................(go) out for dinner last night.
60. Women...............................(have) to do the housework long ago.
61. The girls..........................................(sew) some clothes for their new dolls now.
62. I wish you (write) …………………………………………more carefully in the future.
63. Rivers usually (flow) ………………………………………………… to the sea.
64. Don’t worry. I (give) ………………him your message when I (see) ……………… him.
65. I (meet) …………… Jane 3 weeks ago. I (not talk) …………………… to her last week.
66. How often………… she (go) ……… fishing? – She (go) …………… once a year.
67. I (come) ………home, (open) ………the door, and (find)……… nothing in my house.
68. I last (see) ……………………  him since last Sunday.                              
69. She (play) …………………  the piano when our guest (arrive) ……………  last night.
70. Look! The man (run) …………………… after the train.               
71. Mr. Green (teach) ………..……… English here since he (graduate) ……………… from the university in 1986.
72. The light (go) ……………  out when we (have) …………………… dinner.
73. He (write) …………  a novel for two years but he not (finish) …………… it yet.
74. Listen! I (think) ……………… some one (knock) ………………………  at the door.
75. What……………  you (do) ……………………………  at 7 PM last night?
76. Be quiet! The baby (cry) …………………………….
77. They (prepare) ……………………… the Christmas at the moment.
78. Hurry up! The train (come) ……………………………….
79. She (not take) ……………………………………  them at the moment.  
80. Daisy (just wash) ………………………  the cup. Now they are very clean.


Name :……………………………                TEST 1
Time : 30’



I. Give the right tenses and forms of  the verbs in brackets :
1.  Listen ! Someone (knock)……………………….. the door.           
2. Most rivers (flow) ……………………….into the sea.         
3. My father (buy)………………………… four tickets 3 days ago.
4. We (see) ………………………………the film Dream City tomorrow.
5. She (be)………………… here when I (come)……………………… last night.   
6. I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope you (come)………… back and (see)………… us soon. 
7. My aunt enjoys (listen)…………………. to country music .
8. Susan (make) …………………..a new dress while her mother (go)……………….. out.
9. Yesterday I (be)………… busy, so I (not have)…………. time to phone you. 
10. I (not have) ………………breakfast this morning, but I’m not hungry.
11. Look out ! She (fall)……………….. on the rail.
12. At 7: 00 pm last night he (watch) ……….....………TV with his wife, but now he (listen) ……………………….to music.
13. We (visit) ……………………Nga tomorrow. Tomorrow (be)……………. Sunday.
14. Daisy (cook)……………. in the kitchen at present. She always (cook)…….…. in the morning.
15. What…… she (do) …………tomorrow morning? – She (play) …………chess with her father.
16. My boss made me ( type )……………………..this document.
17. I forget ( close)……………….the window.
18. They forget ( bring )………………….the umbrella in case of rain.
19. The teacher asked her ( close ) ……………..the book.
20. I love ( read )…………………books.
21. She had him ( repair )……………………..her bike.
22. You must help her ( do )………………………the homework.
23. I always practice ( speak )……………….English when I have free time.
24. He kept ( talk )…………… class yesterday.
25. The students stopped ( write )…………………..
26. I suggested ( paint )………………………..this house.
27. The girl has just ( go)………………...out.
28. I can’t help ( sleep)…………………… now.
29. The students ( walk )……………….in the park are my friends.
30. You should ( go )…………………….to bed early.
31. My father never ( go )………………..home late.
32. When I came, they ( clean)…………………..up their house.

The end